When you launch your website or platform on a new market, you have to ensure that your gambling localisation is done in a perfect way as a mistake can be costly.
IGC (iGaming Content Services) works with over 100 language specialists who understand online gambling and are experienced in localising games, software and sites. This goes for both casino and sports betting projects, no matter the language.
..and more.
Over the years, we have seen many examples of unsuccessful launches in new markets. Even though we focus on online casino and sports betting software localisation, it all started with bingo many years ago.
Seeing a top UK bingo operator fail with their launch in Sweden was the main inspiration for our founders to start IGC, providing a better service to guide iGaming operators.
Vast amounts of money were spent on TV-commercials with a chauvinist fox dancing with women in high-heels (totally off for both the GEO and the segment), and poor localisation was visible, including a spelling mistake in a Contact Us tab in the top menu (Kontaka oss instead of Kontakta oss). This project was an apparent failure from the start, and it did fail.
We are still not sure why so many operators don’t take localisation of websites seriously. It might be the case that more significant Malta gaming companies have a large staff turnover, and many managers don’t even care about long-term results.
For small casino operators, a license cost might have eaten up most of its budget, and they want to save money. We are subjective, and we know it, but website localisation is really not something you should save on. There is no reason to not go all-in. Don’t gamble on your content. Play safe!
In most cases, it is a matter of one or two thousand euros per language. This is nothing compared to the number of NDCs you might miss because of poor language. Sports betting operators should not save on the quality but rather consider keeping parts of the content such as T&Cs in English.
iGaming in Malta and all over the world is still on the rise. In recent years, we have seen an influx of iGaming platforms that need to localise into new languages from English. There are plenty of different sports betting software solutions and casino game aggregators competing on price and quality.
IGC assists white label gaming platforms and other software service providers with localisation. We work with many Malta gambling companies, as we are based here. Other locations include Gibraltar, UK, Barcelona, Marbella, Israel and Cyprus.
For larger partnerships, our management will be happy to visit you, no matter the location. In some cases, our digital agency could provide online gambling platform localisation services for free, if agreeing on a long-term partnership for ongoing translations with white label customers and other B2B clients of yours. There are plenty of opportunities, and we are happy to team up with strong iGaming software suppliers.